Solano Community College Foster Kinship Care Education Program

Welcome to the Solano College Foster Kinship Care Education Program!
Our goal is to provide quality education and support opportunities to caregivers of children and youth in out-of-home care. We also ensure that caregivers have the tools needed to meet foster children’s educational, emotional, behavioral & developmental needs. For our relative care providers, we provide support and information that is open to the community whether you are formally working with Child Welfare Services or informally providing care to a loved one.
Our Classes Are:
Open to the public
Free of charge
Free from recruitment
Updated regularly to provide you with the most recent information and developments in Child Welfare
Presented by care givers and other professionals who are subject matter experts
Click here to access The Children's Network of Solano County Community Resource Guide
Subscribe to our online mailing list & get all the updates on exciting trainings & events! Prefer paper? Call Dottie at 707-718-7162 to be added to the "snail mail" list.
Our next Advisory Committee Meeting TBA. Please email tyffanywanberg@gmail.com if you'd like to participate.
Visit our Facebook Page &/or join the Solano & Napa Resource Parents Facebook group for more resources/information.