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Solano Community College Foster Kinship Care Education Program

Conference 2019 e

Conference 2019

FKCE Website 2

Conference 2019 e
Anchor 1
If you are a Resource Family caring for a Solano County Foster Youth, your family is eligible to participate in Christmas Village. We also welcome requests from Resource Parents who reside in Solano County, but may have youth from other counties. If you're informally caring for someone else's child this holiday season, you too are welcome to submit a request.
Please have your children's shirt, pant, shoe sizes ready as well as 3 wishes for each child. A dream wish and 2 more reasonably priced wishes.
Please be sure to include all children living FULL-Time in your home.
To submit your Christmas Village Request, please click on the following link:
Our community Santa's will do their best to fulfill wishes. However, we do not guarantee exact wish matches or that wishes will be fulfilled. Our Santa's do an amazing job each year and we are thankful for their efforts.
This is not a needs based program, but is a community supported program that helps children in out of home care during the holidays.
Happy Holidays!
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